Today in the information age the first place consumers tend to go for research is the Internet. In the current time of wanting everything in a single instant is there any surprise that insurance carriers and brokers would design platforms for quoting and applying for insurance online.
Both Insurance carriers and marketers have been offering quoting aggregators as a way to both trim down cost of advertising and reach consumers as they begin there online research and shopping. So the big questions is: Are the premiums provided from these quoting websites accurate and are these rates you can realistically expect to obtain for your specific age health and weight class.
Are Carrier and Broker Website Quoting Platforms Accurate?
When you go to search for life insurance online you will see many sites suggesting lowest rates and 40-70% savings. Well the truth is you can save big by comparing rates from among all the carriers as rates for the same coverage can vary from one carrier to the other. Your best bet is to shop a broker/agency who offers the broadest choices from multiple carriers and products. The rates are provided in real time direct from each carrier. In other words when you plug in your age, weight and answer no to any serious health issues then yes you are getting an accurate estimate but only if you’re in the right health class which may require more specific detail. A simple quote website is a good idea if your looking for a ballpark figure of what you might expect to pay. Rates are set by carriers and regulated by the state so rates will not vary from each broker/agency if comparing the same product and same carrier for the same search parameters.
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